Monday, April 18, 2011

Tigroneous Prime

Saturday Preston opened up the irrigation box to turn on the sprinklers, and this little guy has made a little home in there.  We think he's quite a cutie, and will keep the area clean of bugs and such.  He's a spotted tiger Salamander.  Luckily, he is not dangerous, but will bite, so we made sure to warn the kids. 
We named him (ready for this?):
Tigroneouse Prime Comodo Dragon,
Tigory for short.
Yep, when you can't decide on a name, just go with all of them!

             I think he's cute, esp the bug eyes.


  1. Yuck. I hope we don't have any :)

  2. They are sooooo cool! My dad found one and brought it home for us when we were little. Just an fyi dont pick it up by the tail... they fall off. really funny story. but they dont bite hard, at least mine didnt, it was more of a tickle and funny. we liked to dangle worms and watch him eat them while we still had the other end and then pull it back out like kids and noodles haha they love crickets too. Maybe we should get a bunch our whole yard is infested with spiders and Dustin found 2 little black widows in our bathroom! Id rather have a bunch of salamanders.
