Monday, June 4, 2012

Long Time No See, eh?

Every month, I look back at the calendar to review my/our month and to remember what all we did.  Lately when people ask what I have been up to, I usually draw a blank.  Not because I have done nothing, but because I have been so busy I have no idea what all I have done.  This last month was ridiculous, and all about the kids.  That's good though, right?
 Let's see, going back a couple months I was able to take a trip to SLC with some lovely lady friends for the weekend, and it was fabulous.  It was filled with good food, fun shopping, hot tubing and mani's and pedi's.  There was a special day set aside that was dedicated to IKEA.  We had been planning and saving for months, so you can imagine what 4 girls with a wad of cash, an empty truck and heart full of determination can do.  I need to upload the pics from my phone, because it was ridiculous. ;)
The month of May? = Little league.  Seriously, 2 boys on 2 different teams?  Practices, games
etc.  I am happy for them that they had a good time and always want to give them the opportunity to compete in sports, but here is to secretly hoping they don't want to do it again.  The games started in the freezing cold, and the last game nearly gave me heat stroke.  But that is now over, the last day of school was Friday and we have already BBQ'd, had our own little pool party, gone swimming, gone shopping to garage sales, played a round of kickball with some friends at a park with a picnic- and it's only Monday. ;) 
I did learn that my body isn't the same now as in high school when I last played kickball- but it was apparent that everyone else felt the same. :)

So way back:  Last June, the Boise Art Museum (we will now refer to this as BAM), had a ladies night to coincide with their Shoe Art exhibit.  It was a blast and I just noticed that they had these pictures up on their facebook page.  This is my group of gals, and mine are the red polka dot shoes.  I seriously love this first shot.  Fabulous.

This one's pretty sweet too.

    I had some friends over one night to have  movie/spa. pajama party night.  So fun.  One of my friends has an auto immune disease which caused her hair to fall out.  She changed her diet and now has a fabulous head of hair again, but in the mean time had invested in a fabulous collection of wigs.  So naturally, she brought them and we tried them on.  Here is me modeling one along with the Kimono Preston brought back from Japan for me. 

I've had a hard realization that my body is getting older and while I am not like I was when I was 20, I am not giving up and and trying to be healthier and getting stronger with Yoga.  It has helped my pelvis and I almost have zero problems with it now, and thanks to the cortisone shots- my knees are great again too. ;)  I just really wish that this were true:
'till next time, thanks for stopping by.