Here is JoJo on his first day of 1st Grade:
I seriously am in love with this picture (and with the little guys in it!) Seriously, when did they get to be the same size?!
This guy had an adventurous first day of Kindergarten! Well- it was all good until I arrived at the school to pick him up, that is. I get there and the teacher tells me that there was a mistake and that they put Thurston on the bus. Its not a huge deal- just annoying until you think about what it means. We did not go over any of this info with Thurston- and since he is in a different elementary school than our neighborhood, he gets off at another elementary school and switches buses. The teacher calls the bus hub and they say that they are holding him at the other Elementary school and to hurry over there. (Have you ever tried to 'hurry' in a school zone in pick-up-your-child time of the day?!) So I get to the other school and rush into the office to find it empty. They say that he is still on the bus. So I run out to see the buses pulling out and I flag down 2 of them with no luck. So I go back into the office to see what to do and which bus he is on. After about 10 minutes they figure out which bus he is on and say they will drop him off at the stop by our house. (Thank heavens for bus communication- eh?). So I TRY to hurry home in the school zones and traffic and the stupid train tracks- waiting for the train to pass. I see the bus ahead, so I'm like "oh phew!"
The crap hits in full force when I see all the kids get off and do not see Thurston. I flagged down 2 other Moms to verify it was the same bus and it was. One veteran Mom said that this happened to her kids before and to call the bus hub. So I go home to find the #. 10 minutes later they get a hold of the bus driver and he says that he has an empty bus- they are all empty now and returning to the High School to pick up those kids. uuuhh.. *PANIC* He said that he got off at another bus stop a few blocks over and he should be walking to our house. Yeah, my 4 yr old doesn't know that area very well. Its obvious to say that I am worried, angry and crying as I talk to Preston. I drive around and around and around the neighborhood for the next hour on and off the phone with Preston and the bus hub and the police to try and find my baby!
FINALLY- they get ahold of Preston (after he repeatedly called them) to say that they found him. He fell asleep curled up in the back of the bus so no one saw him. Luckily he had another route with the High Schoolers so they found him. I'm pretty sure I NEVER want to have that feeling again. I just kept picturing him crying and lost- and much worse. I'm glad he was asleep- because he wasn't worried or scared, so when I gave him a giant hug and wouldn't let him go he was all "what's up Mom!?" and didn't understand why he couldn't ride the bus anymore! Love this little bug!!!!
... so that is why Preston came home with flowers at the end of that day.
This picture pretty much sums up what its like to have boys.... :D