Tuesday, July 20, 2010

London, France and some underpants

I have my favorite artists throughout history, and one of my favorite modern (as in today, not style) artists is Julian Merrow-Smith. He's an English Painter living in France. He sends out a daily (or almost) daily painting and puts them up for auction, it's called Postcards from Provence. He does some portraits and landscapes, but mainly still lives and I absolutely love his style. Well, he very recently published his first book and I begged Preston to let me get it, and being the awesome supportive hubby, he allowed it. ;) I was able to get in on the first round of publishing AND he signed the book. Yahoo! I am loving it! Here is the package. You don't get airmail from France everyday (unless you are in importing/ exporting and that is your job...), but I don't For the underpants... my friend recently had a bridal shower with a lingerie theme, so I surprised her with this cake. It was fun. :)

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